Kendrick Mayo


Welcome to Mayo's Fitness where transformation meets determination! Discover the path to a stronger, healthier you as WE embark on a fitness journey together!  Unleash the power of your potential, unlock expert tips, and sculpt the body you've always dreamed of.  Get ready to redefine your limits and embrace a journey towards total well-being.  Your fitness revolution starts here!

Whether you are new to working out or have been working out for a long time we here at Mayo's Fitness can help you on your journey!  We strive to be the best at what we do and offer a variety of workout plans to help you reach your goal.  Whether you are just wanting to be healthy, lose weight, or even put on muscle, we have plans that accommodate almost anything.  We will make you a plan that we feel best serves your end goal and will change the plan should you not like a certain exercise.  

Most people want to work out but don't know where to start.  Let us take care of that for you.  From training frequency to sets and reps we will handle it all.  All you have to do is put in the work and the results will come.  We have years of training experience and have witnessed transformations all the time.  We have even seen it to where clients will start with one goal and switch it halfway through because they are liking what they are seeing.  We work closely with you through the whole process to make sure that you are not alone and not knowing what to do.  Should anything come up please let us know and we can adjust your training plan at any time.  

Everyone has a reason as to why they want to start training.  What is yours?  This is very important because there will be some days that you are having a bad day and it is very easy to say "well, I am not working out today" however, if you remind yourself why you are training in the first place than it becomes harder for you to push the gym aside and in turn you make it a priority.  So, what is your why?

Maybe you have thought about starting a training program in the past, but it has fell through the cracks.  Life happens right?  We all get too busy with work, family, and friends.  Let me ask you this, when are you going to make yourself a priority?  At the end of the day how we take care of our bodies determines the quality of life that we have.  Embark on the journey and make yourself a priority!  Even if you are afraid to start or think that it may be too hard, let me take the journey with you.  We will work closely to make sure that you are able to tackle the training program and give it all you got.  

At Mayo's Fitness we don't want you to feel alone at all during your journey and are very responsive to your questions.  No question is a bad question!  If there is something that you dont know or understand please let us know and we will explain it to where you can understand.  This is new to you and we dont want you to get too frustrated and not look forward to working out.  Instead, we want you to tackle the day and be excited about your workout for the day.  Give us a chance and let us take this journey with you.